Is that really a baby in there? Or is it just a giant beach ball? It’s hard to believe I am this big, for real.
Photography by Tigz Rice Studios.
Well, the time is nigh…. my due date is approaching with inexorable rapidity, and this baby is definitely going to arrive sometime soon. As a result you may have noticed a drop off in blogs on this website as my nesting instinct inevitably kicks in – the last few months have seen a flurry of activity in a house that up until now has been a workplace. For years back issues of Amelia’s Magazine, promotional CDs, look books and other paraphernalia have dominated my home space… but now what used to house my interns has finally become what could be baby’s room (still full of boxes and clothes mind you), and my kitchen is no longer of the cheap student variety but rather a clean white affair from IKEA. The plumbing is no longer exploding in a dramatic fashion everywhere, fuses are mostly fixed, the wooden floors have been filled and sanded, I have become obsessed with painting all the walls totally white and the dust is vaguely under control.
Amelia by Sally Jane Thompson from a photo by Tigz Rice.
Amelia’s burlesque bump by Janneke de Jong from a photo by Tigz Rice.
Of course, I run my own business and have no capacity to employ someone to take it over for me… so maternity leave is but a dim and distant fantasy. However, this blog is my attempt to tell the world what’s happening and why I might be gone for a little while I adjust to becoming a mother. Right now I have no idea how it will affect my ability to maintain this website but the plan is to take a bit of time off and then dive back in again once I have the energy to do so. I’m sure I won’t be able to resist the lure for long…
Amelia’s Bump by Gemma Cotterell from a photo by Tigz Rice.
Amelia Gregory by Love Amelia, from a photo by Tigz Rice.
Mindful that my body will only stay in this exciting beach ball-like state for a short while longer, and inspired by my friend’s pregnancy photos, I decided to get some *bump shots* done before I return to normality, and this was how I found myself at Tigz Rice’s studio in Bromley one morning two weeks ago. Tigz Rice is best known as a burlesque and boudoir pin-up portrait specialist, but I thought she might like to have a go at something different. In the process we decided to muck around with some of her burlesque props – the results being some fun shots with ostrich feathers (and nipple tassels, though I am afraid those aren’t going to see the light of day on here) I found it much more relaxing to pose with these props, and strangely enough one of her burlesque regulars commissioned her to do some *burlesque bump* shots the very same week that I visited her, so there’s definitely an idea in the air. Tigz might just have an interesting side career on her hands… so if you fancy something special to commemorate pregnancy why not get in touch with her?
Amelia: maternity by Ada Jusic from a photo by Tigz Rice.
Amelia by Janneke de Jong from a photo by Tigz Rice.
Here I share one of the fully clothed shots that she took, and the rest I asked illustrators to interpret since lovely as they are for my personal record I am not really ready to bare nearly all in photographic form on the internet. Plus… illustrators can work wonders with things like fat thighs. I think you’ll agree that an illustrated image to remind you of pregnancy is a fine idea, and if you find yourself in the baby way maybe you’ll consider contacting one of these talented ladies to do the honours – they’re all happy to receive commissions! Just head to their respective websites to get in touch.
Amelia’s Baby by Claire Jones for Beautiful Moment Art from a photo by Tigz Rice. The flowers are Lotus, Myrtle and Daisies, which all symbolise birth, innocence, purity and new life.
Amelia by Nicola Ellen from a photo by Tigz Rice.
Finally, there will still be the occasional blog going up until I give birth, and then I’m sure I could be persuaded to share some baby pics… but this won’t ever become a place where I share all about raising baby. So don’t panic! I hope you will bear with me whilst I adjust to this new phase of my life, and enjoy the huge back catalogue of nearly 4000 blogs that reside on this website in the meantime. Why not explore?
Categories ,Ada Jusic, ,Beautiful Moment Art, ,Bump Photography, ,Burlesque, ,Burlesque Baby Bump, ,Claire Jones, ,Gemma Cotterell, ,Ikea, ,illustration, ,Janneke de Jong, ,Love Amelia, ,Maternity Leave, ,photography, ,Pregnancy, ,Sally Jane Thompson, ,Tigz Rice, ,Tigz Rice Studios
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