Amelia’s Magazine | Kate Jenkins: Witness the Knitness!

The smoking ban of two long summers ago that plighted many a filthy nicotine habit may be an odd choice for artistic inspiration, but the marvelous Kate Jenkins took it as an opportunity to switch us from lighting up to lightening up with her quirky knitted collection ‘Soft Smokes’.


This was the follow up to her debut range ‘Comfort Food’ which launched her as an artist in 2007 and created a name for her, paving the way to many a wondrous thing, including her ‘Cardigans in Bloom’ show as part of Brighton’s much respected annual Open Door exhibition season.


From there to being picked up by the Art Group publishing group to produce greeting cards of loveliness and offered a spot to sell her collectable Specimen Cabinets of bugs, butterflies and beauty in Liberty of London, a solo show at the Rebecca Hossack Gallery opens next week and considering her immense talent, is way over due.


Whilst many of us have ashamedly only become aware of knitting and it’s creative possibilities in the recent-ish upsurge of craft culture renaissance, Jenkins is no newbie to needles. Pre 2003, when her own label Cardigan was launched, she was turning up and casting off for the likes of Missoni, Donna Karan and Marc Jacobs. Her new work entitled ‘Kate’s Café’ will be a feast to behold; knitted breakfasts on knitted plates, knitted cups on knitted saucers, and knitted condiments to go on your.. yep, you guessed it- knitted fish and chips.


As well as pieces to wear and give, Jenkins produces wall worthy art work that provide instant talking points and mood enhancers as they are simply impossible to not fall in love with. In fact, Kate includes in her philosophy ‘anything can be created from yarn as long as it is made with love’. There is definitely something intrinsic about knitting and a giddy devoted heart.


Perhaps it’s the fact that art which relies on incredible meticulous skills, as knitting surely does, is bound to enlist blood sweat and tears and a huge helping from the heart. The ones who succeed do so because they love what they do, and in kind reciprocation we love it back.


Her noteworthy collaborations include Jon Link and Mick Bunnage, the Mr and Mr of Modern Toss fame, who commissioned Jenkins to produce a knitted book for their exhibition ‘Museum of Urban Shitniks’ at London’s Ink’d Gallery. She is now represented by Modern Toss’ agents Agency Rush for her illustrated commissions, who also deal with Ryu Itadani, Emily Forgot and Natsko Seki.


Kate Jenkins
Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery
28 Charlotte Street,
London W1T 2NA

Monday – Saturday 10 – 6
Sunday – Closed
6th June – 27th June 2009


What’s for lunch today at Kate’s Cafe?

Categories ,Kate Jenkins, ,Knitting, ,Rebecca Hossack Gallery

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