Amelia’s Magazine | Free Range Art & Design Show 2013: Middlesex University Jewellery Review

repurposed coloured pencils by Katrine Standahl
I was gutted to discover that the Middlesex University Jewellery degree course will close down when the current first years have passed through the system, for I always look forward to reviewing this show. No other jewellery degree showcases the same level of inventiveness and skills, so it’s no wonder that Middlesex graduates permeate the whole of the UK craft industry. This year the students displayed their wares under bright spot lighting on unforgiving scaffolding sets, but I did my best to take flattering photos. Here are my favourites from the Un-Earthed show.

Free Range shows 2013-katrine standahl
These rings and bracelet by Katrine Standahl are made out of repurposed coloured pencils. She works by bonding together different materials such as wood, cork and metals, then segmenting the results into different pieces which the viewer is encouraged to visualise in their original form.

Crochet & recycled plastic necklaces by Kirke Raava
Crochet & recycled plastic kitchen utensil necklaces by Kirke Raava were inspired by her childhood in Estonia, and in particular her memories of traditional crochet, macrame and knit.

Like a curious jellyfish- knitted elastic & porcelain jewellery by Sabina Johal
This knitted elastic and porcelain piece by Sabina Johal reminds me of a curious jellyfish. She has a particular interest in using unconventional materials in jewellery and her work is inspired by a fascination with tribal jewellery and medical supports such as bandages and splints.

ellie lee
Finger porcelain jewellery by Ellie Lee was showcased with leather on chains, and inside miniature bowls. Her work toys with an old Chinese tradition that says breaking ceramic is very bad luck: yet to access the personal porcelain body parts the bowls must be broken. Gruesome or cool?

Clever jewellery inspired by the weather from Emma Aitchison
Clever jewellery by Emma Aitchison is designed to interact with the weather, be it sun, wind or rain. The boldness and wearability of this sculptural collection could perhaps be traced back to a placement year when she interned with Scott Wilson, for she she has clearly been influenced by his large and playful dynamic. She then worked with milliner Piers Atkinson, after which she was offered a job making leather and metal work for his collections. Her professional website is well worth a look: Emma Aitchison is definitely a name to watch.

If you are graduating this year don’t forget to check out Amelia’s Award, in collaboration with the Secret Emporium. Enter your details and you could be in with a chance to kick start your creative career by receiving a scholarship worth £495 to sell your wares at Wilderness Festival this summer. Deadline: 2nd July 2013.

Categories ,2013, ,Ellie Lee, ,Emma Aitchison, ,Free Range Shows, ,jewellery, ,Katrine Standahl, ,Kirke Raava, ,middlesex university, ,piers atkinson, ,review, ,Sabina Johal, ,Scott Wilson, ,Un-Earthed

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