Amelia’s Magazine | Dry the River at The Nest, Dalston

Category: Music

dry_the river the nest

Do you know how much I love Dry the River? No, probably not, but you should do… which is why you should absolutely put this date in your diary and make sure that you get along to The Nest (formerly Bardens Boudoir) in Dalston for a big pre Christmas headline show. I discovered this fabulous harmony heavy folk boy band when they were offered to me for my Climate Camp stage at Glastonbury (read about how their gig went here), and since then I've been following their every move… as have some major music industry players.

I'll be finding out what they've been up to since the summer in an upcoming Q&A but in the meantime feast your eyes on this glorious video for Bible Belt, and book your tickets to this gig NOW. Amelia's Anthology of Illustration
Amelia's Anthology of Illustration

Amelia's Compendium of Fashion Illustration
Amelia's Compendium of Fashion Illustration

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