Amelia’s Magazine | Review: Moniker Art Fair and The Other Art Fair at Truman Brewery 2013

Frederik Næblerød shark

Frederik Næblerød.

This year was my first visit to Moniker Art Fair, held at the Truman Brewery in conjunction with The Other Art Fair last weekend. Both fairs showcase contemporary artists operating just outside the mainstream art establishment, and many Moniker artists also have their roots in urban culture, particularly street art. Here’s what I liked:

New #artistrash monster on Hanbury Street

This Art is Trash monster was lurking against a tree just outside the gallery entrance on Hanbury Street: a deliberate situation, since he was showing as part of Moniker. I love these quirky monsters, which have been showing up with some regularity around the Brick Lane area: it’s great to see someone approaching street art from such a different perspective.

David shillinglaw - installation

Inside my favourite Moniker Art installation by far was by David Shillinglaw. This artist mixes tribal markings with modern iconography to construct complex narratives that take on a wonderful decorative form.

Crayola Folk by Dickon Drury at theotherartfair

Dickon Drury; a mad Eden featuring houses on stilts & crazy colour slides.

Over in The Other Art Fair I was captivated by colourful surreal works by Brixton based artist Dickon Drury. His Crayola folk are suitably odd, and his version of Eden features houses on stilts, out of which sprout crazy coloured slides.

Saucy and strange by Frederick Noeblerod

Frederik Næblerød really caught my attention with a wall of grotesque graphic pictures in neon colours. Saucily strange and full of a cheeky and irresistible energy.

Categories ,Art is Trash, ,Brick Lane, ,Brixton, ,Crayola, ,David Shillinglaw, ,Dickon Drury, ,Frederik Næblerød, ,Hanbury Street, ,Moniker Art Fair, ,The Other Art Fair, ,Truman Brewery

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