Amelia’s Magazine | Claudia Ligari and Eleanor Amoroso: London Fashion Week A/W 2013 Presentation Review

I was invited to do live illustrations at the Lewis and Leigh PR event on Friday, for the designers Claudia Ligari and Eleanor Amoroso.

claudia ligari hood - lfw - aw13 - jenny robins - amelias magazine

In typical fashion week style it was chaos up to the last minute as the venue, Beach Blanket Babylon in Shoreditch, had been double booked and the show ended up in what was essentially a storage room. Even so, they did a good enough job of dressing it to make it look intentionally basic, and I think the raw whiteness of it suited the work. Once I had set up my paints I watched Eleanor Amoroso set to work with hair straighteners on the long sinuous tassels that hang from her macramé pieces.

eleanor amoroso hair straightenering her collection - lfw - aw13 - jenny robins - amelias magazine
It was a shame not to see Eleanor Amoroso‘s garments on models, as the long free flowing cords are clearly made to be seen in movement. Instead I have tried to capture that shape and movement in my illustrations.

eleanor amoroso 2 - lfw - aw13 - jenny robins - amelias magazine

eleanor amoroso - lfw - aw13 - jenny robins - amelias magazine

Both the designers worked on a big and small scale, with Eleanor Amoroso presenting full length and more minimal versions (which would work well as accessories) of her intricately knotted black and white pieces. She has somewhat downscaled from more epic pieces previously featured on Amelia’s Magazine, probably for sensible commercial reasons.

claudia ligari models - lfw - aw13 - jenny robins - amelias magazine
Claudia Ligari’s collection

claudia ligari wearing herself - lfw - aw13 - jenny robins - amelias magazine

Claudia Ligari, on the other hand, showed a strong sensitivity for the power of simple shapes in both her garments and her jewellery collection. The strength of the lines in her work were the opposite of her physical presence, as I drew her (‘wearing herself’), she was constantly in motion, catching the light on the leather panels of her dress. She also showed her work in the exhibition at Fashion Scout.

claudia ligari - lfw - aw13 - jenny robins - amelias magazine
In general I preferred Claudia Ligari‘s more complex garments over the austere leather pieces. But then I’m not usually a fan of clean as an aesthetic on it’s own: the camel coat illustrated was getting a lot of love. I’d be interested to see the two designers’ work worn together actually, as I think the intricacy of the macramé thread work against the stark panels of leather could work well.

claudia ligari camel - lfw - aw13 - jenny robins - amelias magazine
I’m a big fan of spending an evening this way. Not only did I get to draw all night, whilst drinking free drinks and meeting interesting people, but I now have ready to go illustrations for this article, saving me time to do other London Fashion Week journalism. Hooray.

eleanor amoroso and interesting people  - lfw - aw13 - jenny robins - amelias magazine
Beth Buxton on the left, some interesting looking fashion people, and Eleanor Amoroso holding her portrait.

Categories ,A/W 2013, ,Beach Blanket Babylon, ,Beth Buxton, ,claudia ligari, ,Eleanor Amoroso, ,fashion, ,illustration, ,Lewis and Leigh PR, ,live illustration, ,london, ,London Fashion Week, ,Macrame, ,review

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