Last year Gabby Young & Other Animals released the gorgeous Fear Of Flying from recent album One Foot In Front of the Other.
‘Fear of Flying is a personal favourite,’ says Gabby. ‘It’s about being so fiercely independent I refused to let people get involved in my career and life, but I am so thankful I got over that and let people in. Those people have made my life so much better. They help me conquer my fears, which I have too many of – including the fear that I might be scared of flying, which is crazy.’
We caught up with Gabby to find out more about the beautiful video, in which she is dressed as a giant bird…
What inspired the video for Fear or Flying?
We wanted to do a simple video for this song as it is so rich and emotive. Our previous videos have been busy and flashy but we felt Fear Of Flying should be subtle and all about the music and lyrics. The director, Angus Campbell Golding sent a treatment based around an idea that Stephen (my musical and life partner) and I had already been thinking about – a fledgling bird in a nest scared to fly for the first time.
What preparation was required to be a bird?
When we decided to make me into a bird like character I knew exactly who to call – Alexandra ‘Hippy Poppins’ Gray as I have worked with her before and she is so brilliantly creative and talented all I needed to say to her was ‘I would love to be like a bird but not a bird‘ and she started firing off amazing ideas about feathers and a bird skull headpiece which she brought in the brilliant Ruby Bird to make for it too. They are such a great team and totally got the aesthetic of the song and video – they even ended up sculpting my hair when the hair stylist didn’t show up!! The nest was built by the wonderful design team that Angus brought in – Adrian P Smith and Sarah-Jane van der Westhuizen who built the nest from a dogs bed, twigs and fluff.
Who made the video?
Angus Campbell Golding is my best friend from primary school’s brother who I have known most of my life and when I got a facebook message from him asking if I would be interested in doing a music video with him and saw the films he had been making it was an easy choice! I loved working with Angus – his ideas were so doable and I love that he totally ‘got’ the song. Angus built up the fantastic team bringing in Daniella Gonella and her DG Productions who really got behind the whole project and generously found us the makeup artist, Tanya McGeever, EPK crew and photographer. Angus got Jon Hall on board as the director of photography too. I loved working with this team – it ran like clockwork and we all had a wonderful time together.
What are you working on next?
I am playing at Late Night Jazz in the Elgar Room at the Royal Albert Hall later this month and album no.4 is starting to be written which is exciting!
Fear of Flying is out now. Gabby Young & Other Animals play Late Night Jazz at the Royal Albert Hall on the 29th January – more information here.
Categories ,Adrian P Smith, ,Alexandra ‘Hippy Poppins’ Gray, ,Angus Campbell Golding, ,Daniella Gonella, ,DG Productions, ,Fear of Flying, ,gabby young, ,Gabby Young & Other Animals, ,Jon Hall, ,Late Night Jazz, ,One Foot In Front Of The Other, ,Royal Albert Hall, ,Ruby Bird, ,Sarah-Jane van der Westhuizen, ,Tanya McGeever
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