Amelia’s Magazine | Introducing True Romance: Print Designs chosen for an exhibition curated by East End Prints

True Romance East End Prints Flyer
I am really pleased to share the designs that have been chosen by East End Prints to appear as part of the True Romance exhibition opening today at 70 Paul Street (full listing info here). Helen Edwards of East End Prints has picked the following work, made in response to my Valentines Art Open Brief, to feature on a specially curated wall alongside the rest of her prints. She will offer the ones which are best received during the show a publishing deal to be sold online, and all works will also be available to buy at True Romance. Scroll down to read more about the inspiration behind these pieces and the process of creating them. I’ll be sharing the rest of the designs that were sent in over the following week.

Wuthering Heights by Ashley Le Quere
Ashley Le Quere: Wuthering Heights
My submission is based on Wuthering Heights. I wanted to create something that was a bit whimsical as well referring to what happens in the story, so I started to draw icons that I thought represents parts of the book and the different parts of the story and I loved this quote! It feels very deep and reflects the obsessive, passionate and doomed romance that is the focus of the book. I hand drew the text so it would feel like the diary that Catherine writes about Heathcliff. I think that the texture in the ink reflects the stormy and miserable nature of the book but wanted the icons to be quite whimsical.

Ashley Le Quere is an Illustrator and Surface Pattern Designer. You can see more of her work here.

Carly Watts: Only Lovers Left Alive
My illustration is based on Jim Jarmusch’s ‘Only Lovers Left Alive’. The movie is based on two, centuries old vampire lovers called Adam and Eve. Adam is a musician who reconnects with Eve after a period of separation after he becomes depressed and melancholy. I wanted to create a highly stylised and graphic piece that would capture the main themes of the movie, Adam’s darkness, his love of music, and the quest to find where we fit into society. On a more visual level, Adam is primarily dressed in dark colours, and Eve in light throughout the course of the film; I thought this could be portrayed well through the guitar graphic.

See more work by Carly Watts here.

Death Valley Illustration Annie Hall
Death Valley Illustration: Annie Hall
The poster is designed to resemble a minimalist book cover, and includes the most romantic quote from the film, delivered in Woody’s inimitable style.  The paired back design also reflects the way that both of the characters approach their relationship throughout the film, and the cold reasoning that Alvy uses to reflect back on their time together.  The glimmers of romance in the film are shown by the sparing use of the vibrant pink. The fonts used were Rockwell, Futura and Georgia.

Gavin Shepherdson of Death Valley Illustration has been working as a freelance illustrator and designer since graduating from an Animation degree in 2009. See more work here.

emma russell casablanca
Emma Russell: Casablanca
For this print, I started by making line drawings of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman at various points in the airport scene of Casablanca. I added colour and hand drawn type. As I worked I pared down and simplified the image until the two figures made a single silhouette framing Bogart’s parting words.

Emma Russell is a London-based freelance illustrator specialising in line drawings, flat colour, patterns and 3D paper sculptures. Her work often features unlikely champions, jokes and puns, memory, animals and fairy tales. Find Emma at 

Jessica Courtney-Tickle: My Fair Lady
I have recreated the film poster for the 1964 film and musical, ‘My Fair Lady’. At the heart of this love story there are (in my opinion) two very different characters with very different morals, lifestyles and ideas about falling in love. I wanted to describe how free and expressive Eliza the flower girl is compared to the upper classes who are shocked by her accent and way of life. But as you can see if you look closely at Professor Higgins he is actually intrigued by her character rather than put off. The florals are inspired by the very first scene of the film where Eliza is selling flowers in Covent Garden Market. This is the very first place the two characters meet. I created the work using gouache which I then scanned in and played around with on the computer. I added some digital colouring to give the poster more vibrancy and a smoother texture. I was most inspired by vintage picture book illustrations and posters which are rich in colour and character.

See more work by Freelance Illustrator and Designer Jessica Courtney-Tickle here.

Jordana Globerman: Edward Scissorhands
Growing up, I thought Edward Scissorhands was the most romantic film. It captures the fairy-tale feeling of a first love so perfectly. I created my homage to this wonderful film with a mix of media, laying out and ink drawing first before incorporating elements of collage and painted-in details. Different brush work was used to achieve the splashed figure of Edward and the lightly falling snow. I wanted to capture both how the town begins to see Edward and how Kim sees Edward. His figure looms ominously, evoking the fear he instills in the town toward the end of the film. Despite this, Kim can only think of him with a real love and devotion, which is why I made this same figure of Edward hunched into the shape of a heart. This was a fun image to create because the film is so nostalgic and romantic to me. I enjoyed playing with different textures and line quality to create a graphic, yet painterly poster.”

See more work by Jordana Globerman here.

Katie Edwards - True Romance
Katie Edwards: True Romance
I love animals, who doesn’t, I decided they were a great way to convey the idea of Love, Affection and Companionship. I think most people could relate to the imagery I used and feel some emotions. Using traditional photographic and screen printing techniques to produce my conceptual screen prints, which are occasionally combined with collage or freehand textures. My work is largely influenced by the animal world focusing on photographic representation, what images symbolise and their use metaphorically. Objects are often isolated and placed in unusual compositions to result in a surreal, humorous or thought-provoking illustration. Animals often feature in my illustrations because they are very symbolic, as they don’t change with time or technology. They will always stay the same, and so will their symbolic meanings.

See more work from Katie Edwards here.

Lindsay Lombard: The Notebook
The Notebook is one of my all time favourite love films, I love the setting of the film and the whole premise of the movie. The first quote that came to mind from the film was ‘If you’re a bird, I’m a bird’; meaning I’ll be whatever you need me to be to allow us to be together. I then set about creating the imagery – I developed some pencil drawings of two birds taking to flight. I then scanned these in, and set them upon a light background just to soften them slightly. I wanted the placement of the birds to be a representation of them flying freely away together. I added text and the cut out of an open book at the bottom, I tried drawing the book first but I couldn’t get the right amount of detail into the image so I decided to go with a white cut out – I think it works well to have the suggestion of a book but not be too obvious about it.

See more work by Lindsay Lombard here.

La-vie-en-rose by Sophie-Heywood
Sophie Heywood: La Vie En Rose

La Vie En Rose is probably my favourite love song. The melody is enchanting and somewhat haunting, uplifting yet sad, and I feel it conveys the different emotions of being in love more accurately than any other song. I love the original Edith Plaf version, but I think the Louis Armstrong version is my favourite rendition. When painting the hand drawn lettering, I let the soulful vocals dictate the shape of the composition. I wanted to create something simple, yet with an eye-catching pop of colour, creating a piece that can easily be framed and hung in someone’s home. The trouble with the theme of Valentines is creating something timeless and relevant all year long, but I feel this song is something everyone can relate to.

See more work by Sophie Heywood here.

All are welcome to attend the Private View on Thursday 12th February, 6-9pm. Don’t forget, the exhibition also features the beautiful gold leaf prints made for That Which We Do Not Understand.

Categories ,180, ,Annie Hall, ,Ashley Le Quere, ,Carly Watts, ,Casablanca, ,Death Valley Illustration, ,East End Prints, ,Edward Scissorhands, ,Emma Russell, ,Film Posters, ,Gavin Shepherdson, ,Helen Edwards, ,Jessica Courtney-Tickle, ,Jim Jarmusch, ,Jordana Globerman, ,Katie Edwards, ,La Vie en Rose, ,Lindsay Lombard, ,Movie Posters, ,Movie Prints, ,My Fair Lady, ,Only Lovers Left Alive, ,Sophie Heywood, ,That Which We Do Not Understand, ,The Notebook, ,True Romance, ,Wuthering Heights

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Amelia’s Magazine | Meet Lindsay Lombard: Featured Artist from That Which We Do Not Understand

Lindsay Lombard uses graphite pencils to create delicate illustrations; she then scans her drawings and applies coloured digital elements. Crystals was inspired by the power of crystals. ‘I wanted to develop a structure within the piece, to channel the idea of an energy grid which is a technique used to create a healing energy with the stones. And in the same way that different areas of the body would have a crystal placed upon it, I wanted the colour in the piece to be quite spaced and represent these different areas.’

You chose crystals as your theme, what is your relationship to using crystals in healing?
Crystals have always fascinated me in their structure, they’re such a natural and raw beauty. I like the idea of creating a positive energy around yourself, people will always face hard times in their life and everyone needs to find the best way of finding their way through them.

Lindsay Lombard_crystal
What kind of crystals did you use as the basis for your drawings, and where did you source them from?
I went to the Natural History Museum and did some sketches noting how the light was balanced over the surfaces and the different textures. I mainly looked at the quartz as I like the impurities in the stone, and the varying colours and shades that they form in. I then recreated these in more detail at home.

Lindsay Lombard_Fall
I love the way you build up your images, what is it that keeps you coming back to simple pencil drawings?
Light and shadows have been a big focus in my recent work, and I find pencil is such a natural way to portray this. It’s not the permanence of pen or paint that I dislike, as I rarely use an eraser, but more the restriction I come against when I use it, I find pencil such a changeable material and I love the detail it allows me to implement in my work.

Lindsay Lombard_Backpack
Who have been your recent clients and how did you hook up with them?
The last couple have been friends of a friend, I did a logo design for a brewery – I worked in quite a different style for this by working digitally but it was a fun challenge. I enjoyed the commission I did for Cent magazine last year, it was in response to a short story and I found it an interesting and thought provoking project, I think they found me through my degree show.

Lindsay Lombard_Diver
What kind of projects do you enjoy working on the most and why?
I still really enjoy my self directed projects, I like to think I’m good at developing an idea and seeing it through to completion. I like working on big pieces the most, ones like the illustration I created for Amelia’s TWWDNU which is made up of lots of different components, so it allows me to put a great amount of detail into each part and it’s exciting watching it all come together.

Lindsay Lombard_Leather
Where did you study, when did you graduate and what was the most important thing you learnt?
I studied illustration at Camberwell College of Art, part of University of the Arts London, and graduated in 2013. I think one of the main things I learnt was to be true to yourself, it’s easy to get distracted by what everyone else is doing, and whilst there is a huge benefit in having so much creativity around to influence you, there are times when it needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. Another important step was learning how to implement colour into my work, and developing an eye for the colours that work well together.

Lindsay Lombard_Hands
What are you most looking forward to working on in the near future?
I’m working on some projects at the moment which hopefully I’ll get printed with the possibility of putting out for sale, depending on how quickly I finish it before the new year. After the New Year, I’m going to push looking for some editorial work – I enjoy responding to a narrative and the challenge of recreating it.

Find out more about how Lindsay created her illustration here and grab a beautiful limited edition Crystals print over on the Kickstarter campaign before it ends. 50% of profits go to the artist. 

Categories ,Camberwell College of Art, ,Cent Magazine, ,Crystals, ,illustration, ,illustrator, ,interview, ,Lindsay Lombard, ,natural history museum, ,TWWDNU. That Which We Do Not Understand

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Amelia’s Magazine | Thus Owls introduce the video for new single As Long As We Try A Little

Thus Owls by Lindsay Lombard

Thus Owls by Lindsay Lombard.

In a romantic transatlantic tale of deja-vu Erika and Simon Angell met on tour whilst with other bands, and soon melded together as husband and wife and as Thus Owls. As Long As We Try A Little is their first single from the upcoming album, Turning Rocks, which features Erika’s striking vocals and Simon’s woozy guitars. The album was inspired by the tiny island in Sweden where Erika grew up, and the colour of Montreal, and this track is a beautiful example of their laid back melodic sound. Here they describe the making of the video.

This is a night time song. It was born at night and there’s actually a very clear memory of when the melodies and the words came together. It’s a rare thing, the birth is usually a blur to me. Simon had written these beautiful chord changes which I fell in love with instantly so I knew this song had to be special. As Long As We Try A Little is also a really good introduction to Thus Owls, for the mood and the form of it, so it was an obvious choice to make a visual representation of this song. It tends to be the song people keep singing after listening through the new album.

Thus Owls by Florence Zealey

Thus Owls by Florence Zealey.

It’s kind of tricky to put pictures to such a naked and abstract song though. You don’t want the visuals to steal too much attention, even though the purpose is to bring another expression that enhances the experience all together. How do you do that? We decided to ask Joseph Yarmush from the band Suuns who we knew had made some slow and abstract visuals for other songs that we’d liked. His mind and ideas clicked with ours right away when discussing the plot over our kitchen table. We wanted to work with old, life-experienced faces and a somewhat haunting and mysterious feel. The record is treating stories from the past and overall it’s a little bit like a generational diary so when Joe suggested we work with the two brothers, Phil and Pierre Tétrault, we felt that it was a nice fit and a great beginning to the story. He added some pictures of the moon and some colored smoke bombs to this slow moving story about two men, on some kind of mission which isn’t that clear and left to the observer to interpret.

Thus Owls - photo by Caroline Desilets

Thus Owls, photo by Caroline Desilets.

Let me tell you, it was a cold one when we shot this video! You don’t have to spend much time outside in the Montréal winter to freak out, so we were deeply impressed and grateful to Phil and Pierre, who walked around in those thin black shirts without complaining once. We are very happy with the result, it’s odd and weird in the way we imagined it to be and it puts that new perspective on the song without walking all over it. We hope you like it as much as we do!

Thus Owls play at the Shoreditch Ace Hotel on 4th March 2014, and the album Turning Rocks comes out on Secret City Records in April.

Categories ,Caroline Desilets, ,Erika and Simon Angell, ,Florence Zealey, ,Joseph Yarmush, ,Lindsay Lombard, ,Montreal, ,Phil and Pierre Tétrault, ,Secret City Records, ,Shoreditch Ace Hotel, ,Suuns, ,sweden, ,Thus Owls, ,Turning Rocks

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